Company commitment

We will continue to pursue
“sustainability” of the global environment, society, and corporate activities.

“Building infrastructure for the national land” by supplying civil engineering materials/“Building infrastructure for the industry” by supplying industrial materials/"Stimulating our “playfulness”" by the development of BBS wheel business→To realize “the ideal society" and “what humans should be”


We, MAEDAKOSEN Group, has long been seeking “the ideal society” to realize through “building infrastructure for the national land” by supplying civil engineering materials, and through “building infrastructure for the industry” by supplying industrial materials. Furthermore, in recent years, we have begun to pay attention to “how humans should be” through the development of BBS wheel which can be said a hobby item, since it stimulates “playfulness” to our lives. We believe that the most important thing for MAEDAKOSEN Group, which develops businesses that have extremely high public interest, directly linked to social interests and the well-being of individual person, is “persistence”. Companies can survive for a long time only because they are required by society, and it is natural that companies that are not needed by society are naturally eliminated. In that sense, contributing to society is a major premise for a company to develop its business permanently.

The idea of “sustainability” has been used exclusively when talking about the conservation of the global environment, but this is an extremely important perspective for society itself and the way companies should be. Think about what is necessary to make it last, whether it is the global environment, society, or corporate activities, and continue to put it into practice. We think this is the answers for all. For MAEDAKOSEN Group, which supports the social foundation of infrastructure through various businesses and continues to look at the joy of people’s lives, it is the continued growth and evolution that fulfills its great responsibility to the environment and society.

The way of life in 21st century

To have more prosperous future

MAEDAKOSEN Group will live with society based on this motto, “To have more prosperous future”

Aiming for a prosperous future that is in harmony with people, society, nature, and the earth, that is also the very purpose of our business. As a global citizen, MAEDAKOSEN Group keeps this feeling in our mind. First of all, we start to have a “dialogue” and face the problems, and then we do action to contribute to society.

Basic principles in living world

A society that recognizes human dignity, respects individuals, and makes the most of their abilities. A society in which one’s efforts are directly linked to the happiness of oneself and one’s family. “Establishment of individual”, “well self-controlled independence” and “self-expression” are strongly required.

The 21st century, a historic turning point

Standing at the starting point as “harmony between people and nature” and seek moderate satisfaction (for material civilization) and maximum satisfaction (for spiritual culture).

Role in Society

Now that we are facing a global crisis such as population growth and depletion of energy resources, we shall consider the path of “how the earth and humans can get along with each other.” MAEDAKOSEN group shall be in the closest position.

Growth through creativity

Employees provide creativity to the company and obtain material and mental satisfaction from the company. The company provides products to society and is evaluated by society. Each individual determines the growth of the company and society.